

Elim Church

Just about every little town in New Zealand has or had a pub on the high (main) street. If the town had a crossroads, then it was on the corner and is generally 2 stories high. As we drove through Marton, I was taking a drive-by photo of the dates of this building when Hubby started laughing. He pointed to what was once the pub and said, 'It's been taken over by a church!' I guess any building can be a church meeting place.


  1. More store front churches are making an appearance in towns...
    Good catch!

  2. The Lord can use anything and anybody to bring Glory to His name.

  3. Yes, a lot of the Pentecostal churches seem to take over other buildings, shops etc, and good on them. Better than letting them go to rot.


  4. Very interesting. Always nice to see churches in all parts of the world.

  5. Recycling at it's best. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. i have never seen a church that takes the whole corner. so different. awesome!! happy weekend!! ( :

  7. Hari OM
    ...well Jesus said that "wherever a few of you gather together and think of me, that will be your church." He preferred hillsides and trees Himself!

    I just love that such wonderful architecture continues to serve, rather being left or demolished. YAM xx


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