

stingrays and king fish and eagle rays, oh my!

One of the highlights of our holiday was to wade out into the ocean and see wild stingrays swimming around our feet! We went to a place called Dive Tatapouri just outside of Gisborne and a guy named Jason let us use these lovely 'designer' waders and bamboo poles. He then led us out to meet his friends.

The other fish in the photos are kingfishes. Apparently, they are the type of fish that is good for sushi  but some of these guys have avoided being caught for a long, long time.

This is a huge stingray getting up close and personal with me and my bamboo stick. They were weirdly fun to pet. I didn't feed them because I couldn't bend over to the bed of the ocean but Hubby and His Mom did!

The stingrays and eagle rays and kingfish have been fed here for about 12 years so they know not to bite the hands that feed them--most of the time, anyway! It was an interesting opportunity with the hardest part being the walk out onto the reef. But definitely worth it if you are ever in the area!

Life through the Lens

Travel Photo Thursday


  1. What an amazing experience that must have been. Just a tiny bit scary? Loved the waders - very fetching!

  2. A very exciting adventure for you. I would have loved to do this.

  3. It's reassuring to know they probably won't bite. ;)

  4. Hari OM
    You all look like you mean business with those sticks!!! This reminded me very much of my own experience on Lord Howe Island (the fish-feeding is at the bottom of that post link). It is surprisingly relaxing and rewarding to be in another's environment like this. Thanks for bringing us into the water with you! YAM xx

  5. Wow what an awesome sight to see! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  6. I would have loved to have done this too!!!

  7. I am a big fan of sting rays, growing up with them here in nz I've always thought they are the most fascinating creatures.

  8. This is so awesome and what a privilege your experience is.
    I had to giggle at the first photo. Is that a part of the 2015 new spring fashion line? :0)

  9. These really are fabulous photos. Nice photography.

  10. Amazing! It must have been really a fascinating experience.

  11. You weren't worried about being stung? A friend was stung once and healing took a long while.

  12. That would be so cool seeing a Ray up that close.

  13. What an adventure, that would be so fun. I think I would be unrealistically scared though. But, I would still do it.

  14. Hi Betty, that's so amazing to be that close to the rays. There's nothing like seeing them in their natural habitat. What a wonderful experience. I enjoyed your photos.

  15. Don't those things sting something fierce? I see they're 'trained' not to, but jeez, what if they forgot. Wow, still I'd probably do it if I were there..

    Looks like you guys had a great vacation.

  16. Those are huge! I think I would have kept my distance! Thanks for linking up this week. #TPThursday

  17. I saw a manta ray when I was snorkeling off the coast of Manzanillo Costa Rica - so cool! Rays are some amazing creatures.


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