

telephone exchange and barber shop

Pioneer Village in Stratford has this tiny phone exchange building from the past. "The Cardiff Exchange was built in 1889 and was moved to Mr I J Harrison’s property on Climie Road, then later re-sited at Taranaki Pioneer Village on 18.12.85. The telephone exchange is part of the old Inglewood Post Office Exchange from the same period and is part of what was a 100 line switchboard. A telephone office was opened in 1895 in Cardiff."

Yes, all the dial phones here in NZ have the numbers reversed from the US phones.

This is what a barber shop from the turn of the century would look like.


  1. Hari OM
    Have been enjoying your trip to Stratford... the exchange office is so cute! YAM xx

  2. Loved your post so much. Having worked for the telephone company 40 years this was very meaningful. I started in a small office on a switchboard like this.

  3. Oh how interesting! Love the cute little red building.

  4. With every series of photographs like this, I want even more to visit New Zealand.

  5. I like the tiny telephone exchange. In the village here I grew up the exchange was in the local post office so the lady who worked there knew everyone's business! A game of darts while waiting for a haircut? A very civilised idea!

  6. This is interesting! I had no ideas the phones were backwards....yours or ours? Ha.

  7. How times have changed!!! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. I have been totally enjoying this Pioneer Village! Wonderful post! I loved seeing the telephone office!

  9. how neat, and it's so strange to see a phone with a "backward" dial!

  10. I LOVE this!
    What a wonderful place to explore, and that phone??? Just perfect!

  11. I love these little villages and there historic items. I used a phone like that many years ago, you forget when you don't see them. And my grandfather had razor strops like those behind the bathroom door, I used to be fascinated watching him sharpen his cut throat razor on it.


  12. That would be a fun place to visit. Love that old telephone!

  13. Fun post filled with many interesting things. I found the telephone numbers being reversed really odd but cool.

  14. So cute on the outside and informative on the inside!

  15. And I still remember similar devices telephone :)


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