

what's in a name?

WEED: a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation. 

I suppose it comes down to a matter of timing whether a bloom is a weed or not. These beauties caught my eye before they met their premature demise.


  1. I think they are are beautiful! And beautiful photo captures!

    Thanks so much for telling me about the scaevola! :-)

  2. I know very little about plants, but am very happy to look at them! Are those small red ones Scarlet Pimpernel? - They seek him here, they seek him there...etc?

  3. Weeds can have their own beauty too. I have to admit I do like the spiky softness of the thistle flower.

  4. Oh no!!!!!

    Nothing that beautiful, should be called a weed.

    Very interesting... The description of a weed. So personal a view. And it would be different, for each person.


  5. Such pretty photos! Some weeds are kind of pretty that I hate to pull them out.

  6. Wow! These photos are absolutely beautiful, Betty!

    Ah, I do hope I can visit NZ one day. I've read so many books set there! I was particularly fascinated reading about Maoris.

    Thanks for visiting me!

    Have a great week!

    Love, Vidya

  7. Weeds are about the only blossoms I have in my natural mountain setting! I would welcome those!

  8. Hari OM
    These are superb - and I have never accepted the concept of weeds. Over-ambitious plants have occasionally had to be dealt with; but if it's green and growing, God bless it!!! YAM xx

  9. Such lovely shots of the lovely flowers.Love their colors.

  10. Those look way to cheerful and pretty to be weeds :-) Nice pics. It sometimes makes me chuckle as to what some people consider weeds and what they don't. I'm a Kiwi living in the US. When I was living in Nevada, I was a little bit perplexed to find that Scotch Broom was being sold in garden shops as a landscaping plant!!! Now that I'm living up in Washington State, which has a similar climate to NZ, Scotch Broom is back to being a noxious weed and a right royal pain in the bum to eradicate!! As I said, funny old

  11. They look like flowers to me (and beautiful). I always wondered what the difference is between weeds and wildflowers.

  12. Having taken on a derelict garden I am well used to weeds. Some are really pretty. If I call them wildflowers it makes me feel better!
    I love your photograph of the dandelion seed head. :)

  13. Sometimes it´s really hard to say what is weed and what wildflowers :)You found a collection of beautiful flowers!

  14. Love the dandelion! There is a Winnie the Pooh quote that goes something like - Weeds are flowers too once you get to know them. :)


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