

Wednesday around the World

waxeye (silvereye) and sparrow

This is part of my world this week, now  we want to see your world. 
Link any peek from your camera below.
Then go on a mini-vacation by visiting other places around the globe.


  1. Wow I can see why it is called a "silvereye".

  2. Great photo - very nice to get the two birds in one frame.

  3. For a little bird, the eye really stands out! Good shot!:)

  4. Beautiful shot. I have been thinking about silvereyes lately as coincidentally i have posted some Silvereye pictures today! I read that the NZ birds self-introduced from australia as recently as the 1850s. Tasmanian silvereyes migrate across Bass Strait each winter!
    There u go!

  5. The silver eye is really neat! Aptly named.

  6. I've never seen a silvereye. Love the grayscale of this, so elegant.

  7. This is a great photo...that little silver eye sparrow is part of the branches, and yet stands out in its own unique way. Lovely.

  8. Beautiful in monochrome (always somehow surprises me when nature pictures turn out so beautifully in B*W ... I always forget).

    I have just added your meme to my list and hope to join next week now that we are back in the land where the internet works fairly consistently.


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