

one lane tunnel

This is part of the highway system in NZ. Really, it is. It's on State Highway 3. The government talks about changing it somehow but it hasn't happened yet. There are still many one-lane bridges around and it makes me feel very rural and happy when we cross them.

This is how one-lane tunnels and bridges work in NZ. The driver going the direction of the black, bigger arrow has the right of way; the driver going the other way usually has a better view of the bridge/tunnel and oncoming traffic.


  1. Your photo really gives the idea of having to squeeze through. I agree that it's nice no have a rural feel to the scenery and even the highway system.

  2. Great picture. i love them too. :)

  3. Wonderful entry into the tunnel ! Beautiful shot ! Have a nice weekend :)

  4. It looks charming and kind of fairy-tale-ish :)

  5. We still have some of these one lane tunnels...I do love the look of them.

  6. Beautiful photo! There are many places like this in the U.S. too, though I don't think I've ever seen one on an actual highway.

  7. "One lane tunnel"...absolutely very interesting: always seen as a mix integrated of a nature side and also a human work side...

  8. That's cool. I guess if someone is coming from the other direction who ever gets there first goes through first.

  9. great pic. I love it. In Germany this kind of way would never work.

  10. Hi,

    You coming from USA will find everything here in NZ very small.I recall when my friends were driving in the US, ( We from small Borneo) found it overwhelming. We had to look out for him to leave the motorway or we get lost.

  11. The other "small" thing about New Zealand is the election counting is finished by 10.30pm. I was in Canada when Ford and Jimmy Carter were standing. I went to sleep before the results were out.

  12. Nice shots of mountain road and tunnel. That road sign and rule looks very effective.


  13. Oh my, that is a little intimidating to drive through.

  14. We have a few tunnels like this on the Oregon coast, although not one lane ones. Love the coast!

  15. Great photo! Lovely dramatic nature.=)


  16. Very beautiful photo of a charming tunnel!


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