

wild bird wednesday

The cows haven't been close to the house for a while, but when they showed up a few days ago, so did some of their followers.

Top row: yellowhammers, kingfishers, male chaffinch
Bottom row: fantail, magpie, herons


  1. A very nice series of photos. I especially like the kingfishers against that very blue sky.

  2. What a great selection... I have only seen a kingfisher here once this year.. Lovely for Nature Notes... Michelle

  3. WOW the cows certainly were accompanied by quite a variety of birds. Love the collage.

  4. some lovely birds in there, the kingfishers are probably my favourite !

  5. I always forget about the exotic birds that call NZ home now. I know not every nature-purist would like them, but Yellowhammers and Chaffinches would be a sight to see! Thanks for sharing these great photos!

  6. lovely these birds really follow the cows??
    The herons are so sweet....

  7. Wonderful birds. I love the kingfishers.

  8. I've never seen a magpie before, Betty - beautiful birds! I was just visiting your other blog and wasn't at all surprised to read your "jerky kid" article. There is no such thing as accountability anymore. A very slippery slope indeed. But the Truth is still the Truth - ! Have a blessed week!

  9. Best entourage I've seen lately! Great shots.

  10. Wonderful variety of birds. I love the colorful Yellowhammers and the White-faced Herons..The Kingfishers are cool birds. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Thats a nice mixture of the native and the introduced - I'm surprised we don't have some of the finches over here.

    Sorry about the much delayed reply - I've been in the UK for a month and I let the blog sit on the back burner - normal service will resume soon!

    Stewart M - Melbourne


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