

everyday birds

I get excited when I see a new or different bird in the yard garden, but they don't overshadow the everyday birds that honor me with their presence and entertain me with their birdy behavior. And some of them are quite numerous and noisy!

A sparrow fluffing herself up, two starlings fighting for the best seat on the post, a tiny waxeye (or silvereye) that flits around, a finch--one of several distinct colors--and a baby thrush who is just looking for a snack.


  1. Very well captured bird shots!
    The two starlings do seem to be having an argument. :)

  2. A good variety of birds but the little Silvereye is the cutest!

  3. Terrific shots of your daily visitors!

  4. they look like quite contented birds:>

  5. That fence post seems to attract all sorts of species! Love the Greenfinch, one of my fave birds

  6. Nice photos all and most of these birds would be new and different for me! But like you I am just as happy to see my everyday ones as to find a new one.

  7. Great shots of a wonderful selection of birds in your garden


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