

snow art

Taranaki got a huge snowfall this week. Here are some of the art works that came of it.

A few hints of red for Ruby Tuesday and Rednesday.

Also joining  Outdoor Wednesday and Just Beautiful.


  1. We certainly could use some of that snow here in the Northeast to cool things down!!!

  2. What great snowmen! Does it make you feel like you are back in KS? :)

    Love from Topeka ~Tiffany

  3. Love the bra on the Snow Lady. Great pictures. It reminds me of MY winter, which I would like to forget!

  4. It is very hard for me to imagine you having snow like this. We have had 106 heat temp all week and more coming.

  5. Very refreshing , we could use some of that snow around here in NC . It's going to be in the triple digits again this week .

  6. You get all the good stuff. I was told in West Auckland, there was a dusting.

  7. these are beautiful! how I wish I could see and feel the snow in real life. :)

    thanks for joining Just Beautiful! :)


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