

Te Rewa Rewa Bridge

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This is Te Rewa Rewa pedestrian bridge in New Plymouth. It's designed on fish bones or whale bones--take your pick. It's the newest part of the coastal walkway along the Tasman sea in Taranaki, connecting New Plymouth to several smaller towns along the coastline. Here's a link to the map of the wal 


  1. Pretty darn fancy. It gives the impression of a wave washing over the bridge.

  2. You got the view from all the ankles.

  3. Nice pictures, the first is my favorite.

  4. that is a great bridge...very unusual...

  5. What a graceful and unusual bridge! Great shots!

  6. What a lovely bridge. I like it when cities try to look pretty and do things like this. It is so much nicer than plain cement.

  7. These are amazing pics! What a unique looking bridge. What type of camera do you use?

  8. "graceful" is a good description.
    Is this new, or freshly painted? It is very bright and shiny looking.

  9. Thanks for all your great comments!

    This is Te Rewa Rewa bridge in New Plymouth. It's designed on fish bones or whale bones--take your pick. It's the newest part of the coastal walkway along the Tasman sea in Taranaki, connecting New Plymouth to several smaller towns along the coastline. Here's a link to the map of the wal

  10. I love these pictures. I can't stop looking through. Thank you for taking and sharing them.

    I'm following from the blog hop. Come visit me back!

    Michelle @ Things Sent My Way

  11. Exactly what it looks like. Well executed.

  12. Pretty! Definitely makes me want to come visit... but then, I wanted to do that already!
    From FTLOB


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