

Where is spring?

Living in the Southern Hemisphere means the seasons are reversed from what I was used to in the US. It's been a very wet wintry wait for spring and I was hoping it was just around the corner. Then...

I woke up to that nastiest of four-letter words--snow! It was the heavy, slushy kind. It covered everything. But, thankfully, it didn't last with the sun finally peeking from behind the clouds. 


  1. Oh brrr... We will be well into that soon!

  2. oh my, so soon?:p
    i love the photo of the abalone shell--it's beautiful.

  3. That is my sentiment about that particular four letter word! If I had my way, we would go from fall straight to spring! Great photos!

    ~ Tracy

  4. hope Spring comes to you soon...nice photos...


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