

Rotorua Government Gardens

I love the architecture of this building! 

When we were there in 2006, the gardens looked like this:

Sadly, last April, most of the lovely flowerbeds had been turned to grass.


  1. I k=like the architecture of that building too.

    Grass? I guess grass is easier to take care of than flowers.

  2. Even though some of these gardens have turned to grass, the manicured beauty stands out so. A place to unwind and gaze at what the landscape designers envisioned and built...

  3. Beautiful building. And the tulips! Oh my.. I have never seen flower beds of tulips in my life. Tulips are very expensive in my country because they're usually imported. Sad.

  4. yes, it's a great architectural design. those flowers in bloom are wonderful. thanks for sharing.

    my entry is here...

    have a great weekend!

  5. Hey Betty - it is always a pleasure to visit your webpage for beautiful photographs of an amazing spot in the world!

    Thanks so much for your tips - I have taken some to heart and will continue to plug away. One of the best parts about blogging is not doing the Post and Run - thing that so many do - but to actually take the time to get to know some of the wonderful folks around the world who have the same interests.

    Thanks again for your help - only sorry it took me so long to get back to you!



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