

my world

It's beginning to look like spring in our part of the world!



I don't know what this is, but I call this the 'diesel plant' because it stinks like diesel!
This is a flowering currant (thanks Jay!)


  1. What a lovely camelia! The last shot is a flowering currant. We used to have a big one, but it got too large and straggly. Actually, I love the smell, but it isn't what you'd call 'perfumed', is it?

  2. Isn't spring great! These are such beautiful flowers. Here in Arkansas we are having a few mornings where the weather is cool enough to let us know that fall will be coming soon.

    An Arkies Musings

  3. The blooming flowers are pretty. I do like the diesel plant, odd to think it smells foul. As you progress into spring, we decline into autumn, then winter.

  4. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it's becoming autumn, of course. These internet connections remind me so forcefully that we are one planet.

    I've never seen an anemone with narrow petals like that one. Fascinating. And thanks so much for visiting!

  5. I want to come over NOW!!! Here it is starting to become autumn.
    1999/2000 I was working in NZ from the end of November to February and I really like not being home in winter time.

    I was working as a hut warden in Tongariro(forgot the spelling) Park.


  6. Thank you all for your sweet comments!

    Jay - Thanks for the info! I am glad to put a name to it.

    Marie - That sounds like a fun job! And, I'm pretty sure you spelled it right!

  7. Lucky you going into spring... Autumn is due any day now over here.

    Great photos by the way!

  8. Beautiful blooms, Bettyl.
    Congratulations! You are the winner of my ID Challenge. Please come over and claim your prize.

  9. Beautiful flowers! The Flowering Currant flowers are lovely, even if... I love the Forget-me-nots. It's fun to see spring unfold in part of the world as autumn approaches here!

  10. Beautiful flowers and a nice variety. Loved the name 'diesel plant'.

  11. beautiful flower pictures... and I think I've smelled a few deisel flowers before! That picture with just the sky background and the way the light is hitting it, is spectacular!

  12. This is one of the things I love most about blogging. It will soon be Fall here but I can still see Spring flowers like these. Your photos are beautiful, I really like the anemone.

    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I hope you will visit again.



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