

Spring is finally here!

Some of the welcome harbingers of spring.


  1. Lovely pictures! I remember having a garden in Virginia (USA) with dozens and I mean dozens of azaleas and rhododendrons and dogwoods (flowering trees - do you have them?). It was like a fairy tale world in the spring. Every year I would go around taking photos because I could not resist, and every year they were the same pictures ;) Still I could never get enough of all the colors.

    When we lived in the tropics in Africa, I always missed spring, but never the winters!

    Enjoy your garden!

    Miss Footloose
    Tales of the Globetgrotting Life

  2. While we are getting ready for autumn, its very nice to read blogs who are getting ready for a colorful spring

  3. Wonderful photos of your new home! Love the upward shot of the cow a couple of posts back!

    Thanks for visiting! :)

  4. Stopping by from SITS...

    Gorgeous photos!!!

  5. Love this. The composition of your shots of birds is amazing!

    Happy Spring!

    Here in So Fla, we don't have spring. Our seasons are summer, hurricane/rainy season, a little less hot but stil summer, and summer!

  6. Gorgeous pictures - that flower is amazing.


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