


Fronds of a ponga tree

Came across these cars on the street a few weeks ago.


  1. I love these! The lacy look of the ... ferns? are perfect in silhouette, and the sepia shot of the cars on the street is just perfect. If you hadn't said you'd taken it a few weeks ago I could have easily believed your grandfather took it a few decades ago! Very well suited to the form!

  2. Love your shots this week. Very cool fronds, I'll have to check out that tree. And the other shot looks like it was taken years ago. How lucky to find them both parked in the same area at the same time.

  3. I love the ponga tree shot. Simple but brilliant subject.

  4. The ferns really show up well.

    The older car looks like an Austin 16 I had once though there seems to be a suggestion of Vauxhall about the bonnet (hood).

  5. I love the lacy, ferny leaves of the tree! Beautiful detail as well.

  6. A FEW weeks? That must have been at a meeting of veteran cars - but I enjoyed it!

    I know to little about NZ - I havbe never heard of the ponga tree. Biut it made a nice pattern.

  7. Love how the sepia shot looks like it was taken many many years ago

  8. The ponga tree shot is fantastic and you could have fooled me with that sepia shot. Could have been..I don't know...the fifties?

  9. I love the second photo looks like it could have been taken many years ago

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    I love your pictures! I'm an amateur photographer - at best - but I love looking at photos!

  11. The shots look great, I think I will try my fern, thanks for the idea.

  12. First I want to thank you so much for the help you gave me on my blog..I miss my ind since I lost it,LOL.
    I love the pic with the old cars and the store they are parked in front of --looks like a western frontier.
    I appreciate your help-very much

  13. Two very different sepia scenes. The lace fronds are so delicate and the second one made me think of an old movie!

  14. Wow, the second photo really looks authentic, as though it were taken in that day ... way back when.

    Great shots.


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